Freefly MoVI Pro
Weighing only 5.8 lbs, it can support a camera payload of 15 lbs. Unlike competing gimbals on the market, which can sometimes look "robotic", Freefly's software enables smooth single "majestic" operation that feels natural. In addition to a standard package, we also have dual-operator controls for smooth geared-head or joystick control.
DJI Ronin 2
The Ronin 2 is a robust remote head that is also capable of doing handheld work when supported by a harness. It's much heavier than the MoVI Pro (12Lbs without a camera), but can handle up to a 30lb payload. Also compatible with dual-remote setup.
Ready Rig GS VEGA
Includes: DJI 25mm + 30mm Spindles